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Where History, Progress, and Excellence Unite

At Whittier Elementary, we stand on the shoulders of a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. Our school, named after the American poet and ardent anti-slavery advocate, John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892), embodies the spirit of progress and the pursuit of excellence. Located at 616 N. Wehe, our doors first opened in the fall of 1998. However, our story reaches much further back in time.

Our journey begins with the first Whittier School, established in 1911 under the name "Eastside School." This early institution was a vital part of our community, serving generations of students. Sadly, it was closed in 1965, and due to a fire, it was later torn down. The closure marked a significant milestone as it made Pasco School District the first in the area to end de facto segregation in schools. In 1968, the Pasco School District officially adopted a desegregation policy, reflecting our unwavering commitment to providing the best education for all children.

Memories of the old school building faded for some, even to the extent that George Murdock, superintendent of Pasco School District in the 1990s, was unaware of its existence. However, a call from an anonymous source sparked curiosity, and after a history lesson from then PSD Director of Operations Tom Brandon and a visit to the old foundation and lot on the east side of Pasco, Murdock vowed to revive the old school for the residents of east Pasco.

As symbolized by our mascot, the Phoenix, the new Whittier rose from the ashes and memories of the old school, breathing new life and opportunity into the community.

The new Whittier was constructed during a time of resurgence for east Pasco. Superintendent Murdock remarked at the dedication that, "We are not just dedicating a new building; we are signaling a whole new future for the Eastside." Whittier Elementary was the first school to serve east Pasco students in over three decades. It wasn't merely another school; it represented a gift to the children of this neighborhood and an investment in their future.

Our Mission & Beliefs

Whittier Elementary, in partnership with parents and the community, is dedicated to providing a quality education within a caring and secure environment. Our mission is to empower all students to become lifelong learners. We believe in the importance of community collaboration and a nurturing environment that encourages academic growth.

At Whittier Elementary, we continue to celebrate our history and the progress that has brought us to this point. Our commitment to excellence and the welfare of our students remains at the heart of everything we do. We invite you to be a part of this journey, where the past meets the future, and we create a brighter tomorrow for all.